Kendal on Hudson Blog

Are You The Next Big Boompreneur?

Written by Kendal on Hudson | Jun 22, 2017 9:35:06 PM

Some of us look forward to retirement and no longer working a typical nine-to-five. We dream of the leisurely life, traveling, adventures, but if you’ve spent most of your life being a workaholic and can’t seem to shake off the yearning to put yourself to work, there’s no need to stop yourself. Retirement isn’t the end. It’s just the beginning. You’re never too old to do what you love!


Many think it’s the millennials are the one with the innate entrepreneurial spirit that will take over the marketplace, but those youngsters have nothing on the boomers! Data shows that in fact it’s the older generation who are almost twice as likely to plan to launch businesses than their millennial counterparts.


Do what you love. The world is your oyster! What do you love to do? What are your best skills? Think about it. Are you a crafty, creative type? Are you always making things for the grandkids? You could start your own Etsy business and monetize your hobby.


Were you in professional services your whole career working for someone else? Provide those services your own, unique way to help others. Perhaps even become an advisor or mentor to help out those millennials.


Do some research. If you’ve never had your own business before you’ll definitely want to do some research. If you want to set up an Etsy store or online businesses take a look at what’s already out there and size up the competition. Of course you’ll need to look into the financial and potential tax implications of your new venture and how to best set that up. You can probably find another boomer to help out with that if number and finance aren’t your thing.


Get social. Not big on social media? Learn what it can do for you, especially now, being a boompreneur and all. A website, blog, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter can all help you leverage your personal and business relationships to promote your new venture. Not sure where to start? There is a wealth of information out there including online classes than can help you get started. Or ask a millennial in your life to give you some pointers!


Retirement is YOUR time. Do what makes you happy and find the balance to create the ultimate experiences for this amazing phase of your life.